5 July 2025

White Nights Marathon

42.2 km
10 km
Look — magic is everywhere! The city is changing. It’s time to slow down and enjoy the endless sunset along with the ever-changing sky. Run your special race in the special city. Fall in love with Saint Petersburg all over again.

Registration is closed due to reaching the limit.

There will be no additional registration.

The 34th White Nights Marathon will take place on July 5, 2025.

Now participants will be able to show high results and enjoy the beauty of the white nights, which gave the name to the race.

The route of the marathon was updated, but kept its main attractions. This year the start of both races will be located on Gazprom Arena and finish will be located on the Palace Square.

Do not miss the unique opportunity to enjoy the beauty of St. Petersburg at night on the run!

For Participants

General Information


Attention! The route may be changed.

The route of a marathon and a 10 km race runs in one line along the historical center of St. Petersburg.

This year the start of both races will be located near the Gazprom Arena and finish will be located on the Palace Square.

Participants will enjoy views of the Kazan Cathedral, Peter and Paul Fortress, Rostral Columns, Admiralty and St. Isaac's Cathedral. 



    Friday, 4 July 2025
  Participant packet pick up
    Saturday, 5 July 2025
09:00–16:00   Participant packet pick up
12:00   Finish area opening at the Palace Square for participants
19:00   Start area opening near the stadium Gazprom Arena 
20:30   Start of 10 km distance near the stadium Gazprom Arena
22:00   Start of marathon distance and relay near the stadium Gazprom Arena
04:30   Finish line at the Palace Square closes



  • 42.2 km
  • 10 km
  • Relay

How to register for 42.2 km

Registration is closed due to reaching the limit.

There will be no additional registration.

To register for White Nights Marathon, you must complete the online application form and pay the registration fee on Running Community website. During registration enter your personal data according to ID card. Otherwise you will not be able to pick-up your participant packet and bib number. After you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email.


Registration requirements

  • Participants must be 18 years or older on race day.
  • All participants are required to pick up their own participant packet (bib number) on July 4-5, 2025.
  • All participants are required to show a government-issued photo ID and original medical certificate stating the participant has no contraindication to running in competition upon picking up their own participant packet.
  • Registration fees are nonrefundable.
  • Сourse time limit is 6 hours and 00 minutes from personal start.

Elite qualification

Регистрация спортсменов в элитную категорию на дистанциях 42 км 195 м производится после прохождения квалификационного отбора.

Для квалификации в элитную категорию спортсмену или его официальному представителю необходимо с 1.04.2025 по 27.05.2025 отправить заявку на электронный адрес elite@runc.run и предоставить подтвержденные результаты, соответствующие квалификационному времени. Учитываются результаты соревнований, прошедших после 29 июня 2023 года.

Квалификационное время для претендующих на включение в элитную категорию на дистанции 42,2 км:

  • мужчины: до 2:23:00 на марафоне или до 1:07:00 на полумарафоне
  • женщины: до 2:45:00 на марафоне или до 1:17:00 на полумарафоне

Registration fee

Registration is closed due to reaching the limit.

There will be no additional registration.

For Russian citizens

  • if registered until 12.12.2024 — 3000 rubles
  • if registered 13.12.2024–27.02.2025 — 4000 rubles
  • if registered 28.02.2025–27.05.2025 — 5000 rubles
  • if registered 03.07.2025–05.07.2025 — 5500 rubles (there will be no additional registration)

For juniors under 21, men from 60 years of age and women from 55 years of age, there are discounts (Russian citizens only) 

  • if registered until 12.12.2024 — 1500 rubles
  • if registered 13.12.2024–27.02.2025 — 2000 rubles
  • if registered 28.02.2025–27.05.2025 — 2500 rubles
  • if registered 03.07.2025–05.07.2025 — 2750 rubles (there will be no additional registration)

For foreign citizens

  • if registered until 12.12.2024 — 4000 rubles
  • if registered 13.12.2024–27.02.2025 — 5000 rubles
  • if registered 28.02.2025–27.05.2025 — 6000 rubles
  • if registered 03.07.2025–05.07.2025 — 6500 rubles (there will be no additional registration)


Спортивная страховка от нашего партнёра СК «Сбербанк Страхование» 

Полис «Спортивная защита» пригодится тем, кто активно тренируется и участвует в соревнованиях. В рамках одного полиса можно выбрать до пяти разных спортивных направлений: он покрывает более 300 видов спорта, а значит, будет интересен не только бегунам. Оформить страхование можно как индивидуально, так и для группы лиц (например, своего бегового клуба); как на взрослого, так и на ребёнка.

Подробности — на сайте партнёра.

Реклама. ООО СК «Сбербанк страхование», лицензия Банка России СЛ № 4331, ОГРН 1147746683479. Erid: 2VfnxwoDqxC

How to register for 10 km

Registration is closed due to reaching the limit.

There will be no additional registration.

To register for White Nights Marathon, you must complete the online application form and pay the registration fee on Running Community website. During registration enter your personal data according to ID card. Otherwise you will not be able to pick-up your participant packet and bib number. After you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email.

Registration requirements

  • Participants must be 16 years or older on race day.
  • All participants are required to pick up their own participant packet (bib number) on 4-5 July 2025.
  • All participants are required to show a government-issued photo ID and original medical certificate stating the participant has no contraindication to running in competition upon picking up their own participant packet.
  • Participants 16-17 years of age are required to show permission from a parent or legal guardian permitting them to participate in the race while picking up their own participant packets.
  • Registration fees are nonrefundable.

Elite qualification

Регистрация спортсменов в элитную категорию на дистанцию 10 км производится после прохождения квалификационного отбора.

Для квалификации в элитную категорию спортсмену или его официальному представителю необходимо с 1.04.2025 по 27.05.2025 отправить заявку на электронный адрес elite@runc.run и предоставить подтвержденные результаты, соответствующие квалификационному времени. Учитываются результаты соревнований, прошедших после 29 июня 2023 года.

Квалификационное время для претендующих на включение в элитную категорию на дистанции 10 км:

  • мужчины: до 0:31:00 на 10 км
  • женщины: до 0:36:00 на 10 км

Registration fee

Registration is closed due to reaching the limit.

There will be no additional registration.

For Russian citizens

  • if registered until 12.12.2024 — 2500 rubles
  • if registered 13.12.2024–27.02.2025 — 3500 rubles
  • if registered 28.02.2025–27.05.2025 — 4500 rubles
  • if registered 03.07.2025–05.07.2025 — 5000 rubles (there will be no additional registration)

For juniors under 21, men from 60 years of age and women from 55 years of age, there are discounts (Russian citizens only) 

  • if registered until 12.12.2024 — 1250 rubles
  • if registered 13.12.2024–27.02.2025 — 1750 rubles
  • if registered 28.02.2025–27.05.2025 — 2250 rubles
  • if registered 03.07.2025–05.07.2025 — 2500 rubles (if there are available entries)

For foreign citizens

  • if registered until 12.12.2024 — 3500 rubles
  • if registered 13.12.2024–27.02.2025 — 4500 rubles
  • if registered 28.02.2025–27.05.2025 — 5500 rubles
  • if registered 03.07.2025–05.07.2025 — 6000 rubles (if there are available entries)


Спортивная страховка от нашего партнёра СК «Сбербанк Страхование» 

Полис «Спортивная защита» пригодится тем, кто активно тренируется и участвует в соревнованиях. В рамках одного полиса можно выбрать до пяти разных спортивных направлений: он покрывает более 300 видов спорта, а значит, будет интересен не только бегунам. Оформить страхование можно как индивидуально, так и для группы лиц (например, своего бегового клуба); как на взрослого, так и на ребёнка.

Подробности — на сайте партнёра.

Реклама. ООО СК «Сбербанк страхование», лицензия Банка России СЛ № 4331, ОГРН 1147746683479. Erid: 2VfnxwoDqxC

How to register for relay

Registration is closed due to reaching the limit. 

There will be no additional registration.

In the relay can participate teams of four people aged 16 years and older.

Applications from the teams should be sent to the email relay@runc.run.

Registration requirements

  • Participants must be 16 years or older on race day The team must have at least one member of a different gender
  • Teams captain are required to pick up participant packets (bib numbers) for team on July 4-5, 2025
  • The captain should pick up participant packets (bib numbers) for the whole team
  • The captain are required to show a government-issued photo IDs and original medical certificates stating the participant has no contraindication to running in competition upon picking up their own participant packet of all team members
  • Participants 16-17 years of age are required to show permission from a parent or legal guardian permitting them to participate in the race while picking up their participant packets.

Registration fee

Registration is closed due to reaching the limit. 

There will be no additional registration.

  • if registered until 12.12.2024 — 22 500 rubles
  • if registered 13.12.2024–27.02.2025 — 27 500 rubles
  • if registered 28.02.2025–27.05.2025 — 32 500 rubles
  • if registered 03.07.2025–05.07.2025 — 37 500 rubles (there will be no additional registration)


Спортивная страховка от нашего партнёра СК «Сбербанк Страхование» 

Полис «Спортивная защита» пригодится тем, кто активно тренируется и участвует в соревнованиях. В рамках одного полиса можно выбрать до пяти разных спортивных направлений: он покрывает более 300 видов спорта, а значит, будет интересен не только бегунам. Оформить страхование можно как индивидуально, так и для группы лиц (например, своего бегового клуба); как на взрослого, так и на ребёнка.

Подробности — на сайте партнёра.

Реклама. ООО СК «Сбербанк страхование», лицензия Банка России СЛ № 4331, ОГРН 1147746683479. Erid: 2VfnxwoDqxC

Packet Pick Up

  • 42.2 km
  • 10 km
  • Relay

Location & hours

Gazprom Arena Stadium
St. Petersburg, 1, Football Alley St.

Friday, July 4
10:00 – 21:00

Saturday, July 5
09:00 – 16:00

Participant packet

  • Bib number with timing chip and safety pins
  • Wristband and clothing bag for clothing drop off
  • Heatsheet and food at finish
  • Finisher medal


  • Synthetic tshirt insanity with event design. Online price - 2500 rub., offline price - 2800 rub.

How to pick up participant packet

To pick-up participant packet you must present:

  • Government-issued photo identity document.
  • Medical certificate stating the participant has no contra-indication to running in competition (medical certificate will not be returned, a photocopy of certificate is accepted upon presentation of the original).

If you can’t pick-up your participant packet on 4-5 July, a friend or family member may serve as your proxy and pick up your race materials for you. Proxy must bring the following documents for person he/she is representing:

  • The original letter of attorney for a third party to collect participant’s packet.
  • Government-issued photo identity document.
  • A copy of the participant’s identity document.
  • Medical certificate stating the participant has no contra-indication to running in competition (medical certificate will not be returned, a photocopy of certificate is accepted upon presentation of the original).

The power of attorney does not entitle the authorized person to participate in the race with your number. The transfer of the number is prohibited by the rules of the competition. A participant with a another's number will be disqualified.

Medical certificate

Medical certificate must proof that the participant has no contra-indication to running in competition. Medical certificate must be valid in the athlete's country of residence, filled in, stamped and signed by a doctor, and comply with all the rules and regulations enforced in the athlete's country. The certificate must be issued less than 6 months prior to the race.

Certificates will not be returned to the participants. A copy is acceptable upon presentation of the original certificate.

Location & hours

Gazprom Arena Stadium
St. Petersburg, 1, Football Alley St.

Friday, July 4
10:00 – 21:00

Saturday, July 5
09:00 – 16:00

Participant packet

  • Bib number with timing chip and safety pins
  • Wristband and clothing bag for clothing drop off
  • Finisher medal


  • Synthetic tshirt insanity with event design. Online price - 2500 rub., offline price - 2800 rub.

How to pick up participant packet

To pick-up participant packet you must present:

  • Government-issued photo identity document.
  • Medical certificate stating the participant has no contra-indication to running in competition (medical certificate will not be returned, a photocopy of certificate is accepted upon presentation of the original).
  • Participants 16-17 years of age must present permission from their parent or legal guardian permitting them to participate in the race.

If you can’t pick-up your participant packet on 4-5 July, a friend or family member may serve as your proxy and pick up your race materials for you. Proxy must bring the following documents for person he/she is representing:

  • The original letter of attorney for a third party to collect participant’s packet.
  • Government-issued photo identity document.
  • A copy of the participant’s identity document.
  • Medical certificate stating the participant has no contra-indication to running in competition (medical certificate will not be returned, a photocopy of certificate is accepted upon presentation of the original).
  • For participants 16-17 years of age: permission from parent or legal guardian permitting them to participate in the race.

The power of attorney does not entitle the authorized person to participate in the race with your number. The transfer of the number is prohibited by the rules of the competition. A participant with a another's number will be disqualified.

Medical certificate

Medical certificate must proof that the participant has no contra-indication to running in competition. Medical certificate must be valid in the athlete's country of residence, filled in, stamped and signed by a doctor, and comply with all the rules and regulations enforced in the athlete's country. The certificate must be issued less than 6 months prior to the race.

Certificates will not be returned to the participants. A copy is acceptable upon presentation of the original certificate.

Location & hours

Gazprom Arena Stadium
St. Petersburg, 1, Football Alley St.

Friday, July 4
10:00 – 21:00

Saturday, July 5
09:00 – 16:00

Participant packet

  • Bib number with timing chip and safety pins
  • Wristband and clothing bag for clothing drop off
  • Finisher medal


  • Synthetic tshirt insanity with event design. Online price - 2400 rub., offline price - 2800 rub.

How to pick up participant packet

To pick-up participant packet the team captain must present:

  • Power of attorney to pick up team participant packets.
  • His identity card.
  • A copy of a government-issued photo ID of each team member.
  • Participants 16-17 years of age must present permission from their parent or legal guardian permitting them to participate in the race
  • Original medical certificates stating the participant has no contraindication to running in competition of each team member (medical certificate will not be returned, a photocopy of certificate is accepted upon presentation of the original).

Medical certificate

Medical certificate must proof that the participant has no contra-indication to running in competition. Medical certificate must be valid in the athlete's country of residence, filled in, stamped and signed by a doctor, and comply with all the rules and regulations enforced in the athlete's country. The certificate must be issued less than 6 months prior to the race.

Certificates will not be returned to the participants. A copy is acceptable upon presentation of the original certificate.

Race Day

  • 42.2 km
  • 10 km
  • Relay

Getting there

Start area is located near the Gazprom Arena Stadium.

Please use metro. Arrive to Zenit metro station.


Finish area is located on the Palace square.

Please use metro. Arrive to Admiralteyskaya metro station to reach the Palace square.

Changing tents

For your convenience, male and female changing tents are available only in the finish area.


Baggage storage

Baggage storage is located in the finish area at the Palace Square.

For bag drop-off please use wristband and sticker with number, which you received with your bib number. Put the sticker on the bag and tie a wristband with the same number around your wrist.

Do not put any valuable or fragile items in your bag. We recommend you to keep your valuables, such as hotel card, mobile phone with you or with friends or family. The organisers are not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items.


Please use the toilets beforehand. The biggest lines to toilets form at least 30 min before the start.

Toilets will be available at the end of each fluid/food station.


42.2 km race starts at 22:00.

The start will be divided into blocks according to the submitted estimated personal times.

A letter of your start corral is indicated on race number. Look for the corresponding letter signs to get into your corral. Runners are allowed only with the race number. Runners who are assigned to different corrals but wish to start together may do so by going to the slower corral.

Race officials will make multilingual announcements when it’s time for runners to line up in the corrals. Please follow the instructions of the race officials.

The race will start in waves. Your net running time will start to be recorded when you cross the start line. Please follow directions from race officials and volunteers at all times for a safe and orderly start to the race.

Please mind your fellow runners when you change lanes, spit, or approach a refreshment stand. Please take care not to endanger others or yourself. In order to be able to hear your fellow runners of volunteers we ask you to run without music headphones. Doing so you also won’t miss any cheers from the spectators.

No animals or wheeled vehicles/devices of any kind are allowed on the course. No wheeled vehicles are allowed to accompany the runners along the course. Anyone who disregards this rule will be disqualifed and removed from the course.


Pacemakers help others to achieve their performance goals. They will be carrying flags indicating the finish times they are pacing for and can also be identified by their t-shirts.

Drinks and food stations

Locations will be announced later.

Medical aid

Medical aid will be located at the start and finish areas and along the course. Please do not hesitate to contact any medical personnel if you are having difficulties – we appreciate you doing so.


Your net time will be registered once your cross the finish line.

Please do not remain standing on the finish line, but continue walk slowly to the end of the finish area. After the finish you will recieve drinking water.

If you are feeling unwell, please ask for the medical aid straight away.



Preliminary results will be available at the website.

Your result will be measured with chip timing system, judges at the finish and the video registration system.

Your net running time will be recorded when you cross the start and finish lines. The timing chip is on your race number. Please put your race number on the chest. Do not bend, crumple or fold it, do not keep the race number next to any magnets – it may damage the chip resulting in the loss of your personal result.

Within a few hours after the last runner finish you will receive a text message and email with your draft result. The results list will be available online at this website.



Men and women who place 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th will receive awards.

Age-group awards

Participants of the full marathon will be grouped in the following male and female age groups: 18–19, 20–22, 23–29, 30–34, 35–39, 40–44, 45–49, 50–54, 55–59, 60–64, 65–69, 70–74, 75–79, 80 and over. Men and women who place 1st, 2nd or 3rd within their age groups will receive awards. If you won in the age category, you will be contacted the day of the race to clarify the delivery address of the prize.

Getting there

Start area is located near the Gazprom Arena Stadium.

Please use metro. Arrive to Zenit metro station.


Finish area is located on the Palace square.

Please use metro. Arrive to Admiralteyskaya metro station to reach the Palace square.

Changing tents

For your convenience, male and female changing tents are available in the finish area.

Baggage storage

Baggage storage is located in the finish area at the Palace Square.

For bag drop-off please use wristband and sticker with number, which you received with your bib number. Put the sticker on the bag and tie a wristband with the same number around your wrist.

Do not put any valuable or fragile items in your bag. We recommend you to keep your valuables, such as hotel card, mobile phone with you or with friends or family. The organisers are not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items.


Toilets are located in the start area and at refreshment stations.


10 km race start at 20:30.

The start will be divided into blocks according to the submitted estimated personal times.

A letter of your start corral is indicated on race number. Look for the corresponding letter signs to get into your corral. Runners are allowed only with the race number. Runners who are assigned to different corrals but wish to start together may do so by going to the slower corral.

Race officials will make multilingual announcements when it’s time for runners to line up in the corrals. Please follow the instructions of the race officials.

The race will start in waves. Your net running time will start to be recorded when you cross the start line. Please follow directions from race officials and volunteers at all times for a safe and orderly start to the race.

Please mind your fellow runners when you change lanes, spit, or approach a refreshment stand. Please take care not to endanger others or yourself. In order to be able to hear your fellow runners of volunteers we ask you to run without music headphones. Doing so you also won’t miss any cheers from the spectators.

No animals or wheeled vehicles/devices of any kind are allowed on the course. No wheeled vehicles are allowed to accompany the runners along the course. Anyone who disregards this rule will be disqualifed and removed from the course.


Pacemakers help others to achieve their performance goals. They will be carrying flags indicating the finish times they are pacing for and can also be identified by their t-shirts.

Drinks station

Locations will be announced later.

Medical aid

Medical aid will be located at the start and finish areas and along the course. Please do not hesitate to contact any medical personnel if you are having difficulties – we appreciate you doing so.


Your net time will be registered once your cross the finish line.

Please do not remain standing on the finish line, but continue walk slowly to the end of the finish area. After the finish you will recieve drinking water.

If you are feeling unwell, please ask for the medical aid straight away.


Preliminary results will be available at the website.

Your result will be measured with chip timing system, judges at the finish and the video registration system.

Your net running time will be recorded when you cross the start and finish lines. The timing chip is on your race number. Please put your race number on the chest. Do not bend, crumple or fold it, do not keep the race number next to any magnets – it may damage the chip resulting in the loss of your personal result.

Within a few hours after the last runner finish you will receive a text message and email with your draft result. The results list will be available online at this website.


Participants will compete in overall classification. Men and women who place 1st, 2nd, 3rd will receive awards. There are no awards in the age groups. All participants receive a medal at the finish.

Getting there

Start area is located near the Gazprom Arena Stadium.

Please use metro. Arrive to Zenit metro station.


Finish area is located on the Palace square.

Please use metro. Arrive to Admiralteyskaya metro station to reach the Palace square.

Changing tents

For your convenience, male and female changing tents are available in the finish area.

Baggage storage

Baggage storage is located in the start area at the Palace Square.

For bag drop-off please use wristband and sticker with number, which you received with your bib number. Put the sticker on the bag and tie a wristband with the same number around your wrist.

Do not put any valuable or fragile items in your bag. We recommend you to keep your valuables, such as hotel card, mobile phone with you or with friends or family. The organisers are not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items.


Please use the toilets beforehand. The biggest lines to toilets form at least 30 min before the start.

Toilets will be available at the end of each fluid/food station.


Relay starts at 22:00.

The start will be divided into blocks according to the submitted estimated personal times. First team member starts after corral A.

Your team net running time will start to be recorded when first team member crosses the start line. Please follow directions from race officials and volunteers at all times for a safe and orderly start to the race.

Please mind your fellow runners when you change lanes, spit, or approach a refreshment stand. Please take care not to endanger others or yourself. In order to be able to hear your fellow runners of volunteers we ask you to run without music headphones. Doing so you also won’t miss any cheers from the spectators.

No animals or wheeled vehicles/devices of any kind are allowed on the course. No wheeled vehicles are allowed to accompany the runners along the course. Anyone who disregards this rule will be disqualifed and removed from the course.


The relay points are located at marks of the White Nights Marathon distance.

Technical transport will be located near the relay points.

Participants of stages 2,3,4,5 must arrive at their points no later than half an hour before the expected time of the transfer of the relay.


Подробная информация о точках передачи эстафет будет объявлена позднее.

Medical aid

Medical aid will be located at the start and finish areas and along the course. Please do not hesitate to contact any medical personnel if you are having difficulties – we appreciate you doing so.


The result of the team will be counted when the participant of the 5th stage crosses the finish line.

A participant of the 5th stage will receive a set of medals for the whole team in the finish corridor.


Your team result will be measured with chip timing system, judges at the finish and the video registration system.

The timing chip is on your relay ribbon. Do not bend, crumple or fold it, do not keep the race number next to any magnets – it may damage the chip resulting in the loss of your personal result.

Within a few hours after the last runner finish you will receive a text message and email with your draft result. The results list will be available online at this website.


Teams who place 1-3 will receive awards.

Лига марафонов БРИКС

О Лиге

Союз трёх крупнейших марафонов в России среди профессионалов и любителей.

Чтобы стать участником Лиги марафонов России в 2025 году, а в будущем — Лиги марафонов БРИКС, нужно пробежать не менее двух марафонских дистанций (42,2 км) за один сезон. Участвуйте в Казанском марафоне, марафоне «Белые ночи» в Санкт-Петербурге и Московском Марафоне — путешествуйте, получайте новый беговой опыт и особенные трофеи с соревнований.

Подробности на сайте Лиги.

На марафоне «Белые ночи»

Уже в этом году участники Лиги марафонов БРИКС и Лиги марафонов России, которые преодолеют за год две или три из трёх марафонских дистанций, получат доступ к дополнительным сервисам на площадках событий, особенные сувениры, а также возможность войти в специальные рейтинги. 

Пробежавшие 2/3 марафонов Лиги: 

  • Отдельная стена марафонцев на марафоне «Белые ночи» и Московском Марафоне.
  • Значок на финише второго из трёх марафонов Лиги. В рамках марафона «Белые ночи» отдельную награду можно будет получить после финиша на стойке информации, расположенной на Дворцовой площади.

For Spectators

About the program

Общая информация 

Поддерживайте любимых, близких или совсем не знакомых бегунов в стартовом и финишном городке и на дистанции – а мы создадим для этого все условия.

Приезжайте в стартовый и финишный городки марафона 5 июля, чтобы поддержать участников. Вы также можете следить за результатами бегунов онлайн. Заходите на сайт results.runc.run, выбирайте марафон «Белые ночи» и вводите в специальное поле номер бегуна или его фамилию.

Атрибутика болельщика

На выдаче номеров можно будет бесплатно получить гуделки, трещотки, колокольчики и нарисовать плакат вместе с профессиональным художником. Атрибутику болельщика также можно получить на трибунах в зоне финиша на Дворцовой площади. 

Where to Cheer

If you've ever run races, you know how crowd support can immensely boost runners’ spirits. Please don’t be shy to encourage passing runners even if you don’t know them.

Note: there are some extra security measures introduced for both runners and spectators. Personal belongings may be searched and some roads access may be restricted. Thanks for understanding.


For Travellers


WONE Hotels — официальный партнёр марафона «Белые ночи».

Каждый из 3-х отелей сети обладает уникальной концепцией. Palace Bridge Hotel — городской курорт: вас ждёт SPA-комплекс с бассейном и 8 саунами, салоном DAY SPA, детский клуб Palace KidBridge, уютная терраса Астаманьяна с летним меню в камерном дворике отеля. Vasilievsky Hotel — находится в пешей доступности от Эрмитажа и стартового городка, приглашает на выставки современного искусства в интерьерах отеля. Cosmos St.Petersburg Olympia Garden Hotel — в историческом центре в окружении зеленого парка, с террасой с большим выбором популярных коктейлей и других напитков. 

For Volunteers

Register to Volunteer

If you want to join our volunteer team, reach us by email volunteer@runc.run.


Фонд «Точка опоры»



Фонд «Точка опоры» выступает благотворительным партнёром марафона «Белые ночи». Регистрируясь на наши забеги, вы можете сделать пожертвование и поддержать развитие адаптивного спорта.

Фонд оказывает оперативную адресную помощь спортсменам с инвалидностью и федерациям, когда нет возможности выделения средств из госбюджета на покупку инвентаря, экипировки, оплату выездов на соревнования. Особое внимание фонд уделяет тем видам спорта, которые еще не вошли в государственный реестр и поэтому не имеют госфинансирования. За 14 лет работы Фонд поддержал свыше 30 видов спорта.

Сделайте пожертвование при регистрации на забег или на сайте фонда «Точка опоры». Не бывает маленьких пожертвований — значима любая помощь.

Press agent


Daria Zharkova
Email: d.zharkova@jmgroup.ru

Maria Shipova
Email: m.shipova@jmgroup.ru




9:00-18:00 on weekdays

8 800 777-12-04 (for calls within Russia)
+7 495 481-22-04 (for other countries)


partner@runc.run (partnership)
shop@runc.run (brand store)
corp@runc.run (corporate clients)

Postal address

Luzhniki st., 24, building 39, room 15, office I
Moscow, Russia 119270


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